Working Moms, take back your time and your life! 

What if you never felt like a failure at home OR at work ever again?

We all want more balance in life, but it can be difficult to find the time to make it happen. That's where the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook comes in. Our digital workbook and journal will show you how to get motivated, prioritize your time, and eliminate guilt — so you can feel at ease with the decisions you make. 

You’ll learn how to enjoy your work+life in just 5 minutes a day. Get started today!

What if you could ditch feeling stressed-out, overwhelmed, and out of balance? 

With the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook™, you will never feel bad about how much time you spend at work or enjoying your personal life. You’ll learn how to enjoy your work+life choices in just 5 minutes a day.

What if there was a way to experience the elusive feeling of Work+Life Balance?

That’s exactly why I created the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Workbook for you to learn how to relax, work smarter, and live better.

Achieve the feeling of ease, grace, and calm every day in as little as 5 minutes a day!

This is a digital workbook and online training that will help you to take back your time and your life in 5-minutes a day by:

Right now, you are struggling with:

💡 Imagine if you could take your time and your day back, feel more accomplished every day, and be more energized by your work.

I created the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook for Moms™ based on my success and that of the 1000's of women I've helped. This workbook and online course will teach you the exact same system I teach my private & VIP clients.

We are living in an unusual time. I've noticed that almost everyone I know is questioning their lives. I made the workbook for YOU. Use it to explore your own life and get yourself back to the feeling of balance you crave.

It can be tough to keep up with the demands of work and personal life, especially in today's fast-paced world. But with the 5-MINUTE Work+Lifebalance Digital Workbook™, you don't have to feel guilty or overwhelmed anymore.

What’s included:

• Lifetime Access (Priceless)

• A Downloadable 23-page digital workbook ($49 Value)

• An online mini-course and video tutorial walking you through the entire workbook ($49 Value

• An online forum to ask your Work+Life Balance Coach questions…hey, that’s me! ($99 Value)

• Learn my 9 Unexpected and Surprising strategies for Work+Life Balance ($49 Value)

Total $246 Today $29 

"Wait...what? I get all this for just...$29? Is this for real?"

Yep, the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook™ is worth 10-20 times more than I'm charging. You will feel so refreshed and inspired after answering all of the journal prompts.

But, my goal was to make this a no-brainer cost for you, wherever you are, whoever you are because I know women need a solution to feel more successful in their lives right NOW.

I don't want you to have work+life balance someday. I want you to get started TODAY!

So I've priced it so you don't have to hem and haw. You can just grab it and go!

Does this sound like you?

Right now you are struggling with guilt and overwhelm. 

You are wondering if you are focused on the right things in your life.

Are you spending too much time at work?

Are you not spending enough time at work?

Wondering: is there a better way?

Asking: is this all there is to my life?

Imagine if you woke up every morning feeling:

The 5-minute digital workbook prompts help you take the right steps toward a happier life by freeing you from guilt and overwhelm.

Watch the video for a sneak peek inside the digital workbook!


How long will it take me to complete the workbook?

The workbook is designed to be a daily practice for you to get a hold of your busy life in just 5 minutes a day. If you power through the whole thing, most people complete it in 60-90 minutes.

Will this workbook & course help me if I run my own business?

Yes! The workbook & training course will be very helpful to your entrepreneurial venture. I’m a Business Coach, afterall ☺️

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this workbook, there are no refunds.

Is this just more toxic productivity talk?

Great question. No, I'm super allergic to toxicity in all of its forms.  My approach to work+life balance is holistic and based on YOUR Psychology. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The digital workbook is designed to empower you to live on your own terms.

What kind of Working Mom is the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook™ for?


We both know that without tip-top boundaries, you may never see the sun again. Being yourself in this environment may feel scary, but it’s the secret sauce that will set you free and bring a fresh perspective to your work. It’s time for you to shine! I didn’t enjoy my corporate job until I starting expressing my individuality through my work personality, dress and learning to speak-up and be heard. 

You can do it too.

Work at Home 

You and I are in the same boat. The laundry piles up. Others think you are binge watching all day and available at the drop of a hat to help them. What gives?! The research tells us that those of us who work from home are far more productive than working in an office with the “watchful” eyes. AND, the lack of separation of work+life can be a bit draining or confusing. This workbook will remind you of what is missing and how to schedule it back into your life. 


From one CEO to another. I know how hard it is to be the Chief Everything Officer (my definition of CEO). It can drain everything out of you to have a vision for your business and be solely responsible for well, EVERYTHING! It’s time for you to lean back, reassess and re-create your work+life balance. 

There is nothing holding you back because you are your own boss. 

You got this!

Re-entering Work

Preparing to re-enter the workforce. It’s been a minute. Am I right? You took time off to handle what really matters and now you are ready to get back out there. How’s your confidence? I get it. You are stepping back into a brave new world and wondering how you will measure with a gap in your resume. NOW is the best time to get your head and heart pointed in the same direction so you don’t lose yourself in your work. 

You are ready for your next adventure!

I believe YOU are about to get your groove back!


Take a look at what you will find inside 👇

It's time for YOU to be the Leading Lady 

in your own story!

Refund Policy

Due to the digital nature of the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook™,  and the fact that you can consume the whole product in about an hour, there are no refunds.

Imagine where you could be in an hour from now…Grab a warm beverage and snuggle up with your new digital workbook. Learn how to Forget feeling guilty, overwhelmed, and out of balance. Discover the 9 unexpected strategies to achieve work+life balance.

Get your hands on the digital workbook + online course now before the price goes up. Peace of mind for only $29? 

You can thank me later. 😉

Praise for the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook for Moms™

Forget feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and out of balance. Discover the 9 unexpected strategies to achieve work+life balance.

Start working on the 5-Minute Work+Life Balance Digital Workbook™ TODAY!

It's only $29 for a limited time.

 ↘️ Click Below ↙️